Happy Father’s Day

Wishing all fathers a very special Father’s Day this Sunday.


A Prayer for Fathers:


Heavenly Father,

you entrusted your Son Jesus,

the child of Mary,

to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.

Bless all fathers

as they care for their families.

Give them strength and wisdom,

tenderness and patience;

support them in the work they have to do,

protecting those who look to them,

as we look to you for love and salvation,

through Jesus Christ our rock and defender.



Happy Mother’s Day

happy mothers day with floral and greenery borderWishing all Mothers a very special Mother’s Day this Sunday. We recognize the very special role of a mother, especially in the lives of our students!

Thank you for all you do, the sacrifices you’ve made, and the gift of live you’ve given.

We pray for God’s blessing on all mothers; our mothers both living and dead, spiritual mothers, godmothers, foster mothers, stepmothers. We especially pray for women who long to be mothers or who have lost children in miscarriage and stillbirth or have experienced the death of a child after birth no matter what age. We entrust the care of all mothers to Mary, the mother of our Lord, who understands the joys and sorrows of motherhood. Amen.

May: Month of Mary

During the month of May we notice a certain beauty and grace unravel as the earth begins to bloom. In awe, we can see God’s creation come to life. How wonderful that the Catholic Church dedicates the month of May as a time of special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

There is no, one way to honor Mary during this month. The Church offers many different prayers and remembrances of Mary to pray for her intercession and recognize her important place as our Mother.

Our students at Holy Cross Catholic School have an understanding of the importance of the Marian devotions and will be participating throughout the month.

We also invite you to participate in this Month of Mary at home. Here are a few simple ways to get the family involved and share our love and appreciation of our beloved Mother.

Three ways to honor Mary in the month of May:

1.     Bring Mary Flowers

Visit your parish church and leave flowers at the feet of the statue of Mary. Spend some time there afterward to pray for her intercession and follow those personal prayers with a Hail Mary.


2.     Make a Special Spot for Mary in your Home

If you have a small statue of Mary or an icon of her, find a spot in your house that is easily visible and will bring attention to her. If you don’t have any sign of Mary this could be a great opportunity to get one —or simply print this picture out and have your children color it, to hang up.

Another way to bring attention to Mary and show her special honor is to make a flower crown for her. (You can make one with pipe cleaners and artificial flowers from the dollar store or craft store.) OR simply place some fresh flowers next to Mary in a vase.


3.     Learn about Mary

Take time out of your normal family routine to learn more about Mary and her special place in our Church and lives. There are many credible movies, books, and websites that can aid in sharing her life both depicted in the bible and even what we know through the approved Marian apparitions. Here is a great list of children’s books to get you started.